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Replinishing the Cruisers Med Kit: Fingers, Toes, Nose, Hose

Apr 13

Written by:
4/13/2010 8:34 AM  RssIcon

I've been sailing with s/v Coconut now for a little over six months.  We both arrived in Cartagena about the same time and undertook significant refits for out vessels.  In that time we been covering the same ground at roughly the same pace.  Beyond just being good people, they are doctors.  Greg is an ER doc and Kerri a physicians assistant.  These two carry no pretense and are quick to help in any suituation, no matter the patient, where I've seen other doctors simply walk away. 

One example was a small jack russel terrier who went into anaphylactic shock in Shelter Bay Marina, Panama.  The poor pup almost croaked, but Greg and Kerri pulled out every med they'd stocked from the USA including supplies such as catheters and IV bags.  With hours of care and a partial injection from an epinefrin pen the little dog pulled through.  During the struggle to stabilize the pup another doctor heard the commotion, walked over to see what was happening, and remarked, "I am a doctor, not a vet, I don't work on dogs". 

Tomorrow we are leaving the last civilized outpost of Central and South America.  Before going, we took the opportunity to hit one of the local pharmacies to stock up on a few critical meds for distance voyagers.  Here is a quick rundown of what I've added to my med kit. 

Lidocain 50 ml 2% - local anesthetic in case I get a serious wound that needs stitching.
Lidocain 50 ml 2% with epinefrin - Same as above, but if the bleeding is severe the epinefrin will constrict the vessels making the sutures easier to do.  NOTE!!  Because the vessels in such organs as your fingers, toes, nose, and ahem, hose are quite small you do not use the lido + epi mix here.  You could do permanent damage to the tissue by restricting too much blood flow.
Ciproval Drops 5 ml - good general antibiotic drops for use in the ear or eye.  Two places prone to infections from swimming in sea water.
Flagyl (Metronidazol) - 500 mg x 40 tabs - Only to be used for sever diarrhea.  World travellers shouldn't be without this.  Kills giardia.  Use in combo with Cipro.
Augmentin - 500 - 125 mg x 20 tabs.  Used for severe wound infection or pneumonia.
Primperan (metoclopramide) 10 mg x 20 tabs - For severe vomiting.  A sailors nightmare.  Seasickness + vomiting = dehydration.  Bad combo.
Loratadin 10 mg x 60 tabs - basic antihistamine similar to benadryl used to treat allergic reactions.
Meticorten (prednisone) 20 mg x 10 tabs Steroid used to fight swelling in severe allergic reactions and infections.
Epinefrin - 1 ml vials x 2 vials.  This stuff is no joke and should not be administred lightly.  For those in the States I strongly encourage putting an epi pen on board as it automatically administers the correct dosage.  I was unable to get a perscription for one and this is the first injectible epi I've found since I left the states.  If you get bitten or stung and go into severe anaphylactic shock, this stuff can pull you back. I purchased small syrengies with fine graduation so I can ensure to only inject .3 ml and not the entire vial which could lead to severe cardiac problems.  Don't get this injectible stuff, pay extra for the epi pen. 
Ciprofloxacin 500 mg x 24 tabs - basic all around antibiotic.
Azithromycin 500 mg x 2 tabs - antibiotic.

Total cost = $108 USD.  No doctors visit required.

I AM NOT A DOCTOR! Do not purchase, use, or administer these meds based on the info I've provided.  I've left off dosages on purpose as you should discuss what should be in your med kit and how to use the meds with your healthcare provider. 

That said, I look at my body like I look at my engine.  My heart is just a pump.  Vessels are just tubes.  Skin is the outer steel.  Bones are only pushrods.  Tendons the belts.  When you find yourself 1500 miles or more away from land and help, you'd better have the spare parts to make it where you are going should something go wrong.  I've got parts for the engine, and now more tools should parts of me take injury.  I don't even like to think about it, but the simple approach is this.  Stop the bleeding, numb the pain, close the wound, kill the infection.  Hope to God I never have to use any of this stuff.

Tomorrow Coconut and I set sail to Isabela 40 miles to the West.  We'll explore the island for a few days then take leave of one another after six months of cruising together.  I'll carry on West 3000 miles to the Marquesas and Coconut will begin the long trip back to the States and the Emergency Room.  I'll be going it alone one more time.

Location: Blogs Parent Separator Ship's Log

5 comment(s) so far...


Re: Replinishing the Cruisers Med Kit: Fingers, Toes, Nose, Hose

When will you be calling your parents before you leave the Galapagos????

By Sandra on   4/14/2010 10:13 AM

Re: Replinishing the Cruisers Med Kit: Fingers, Toes, Nose, Hose

Ooof, Lee. Thats a lot of meds! I'm glad your doctor friends helped the puppy. How wonderful. Come sailing with me and Daphne!

By Sailing Simplicity on   4/14/2010 6:35 PM

Re: Replinishing the Cruisers Med Kit: Fingers, Toes, Nose, Hose

What about the PATRON?

WAs nice to see your post on my BD.
Gosh all thos Meds for so little Money.
Wouldn't you agree thta the US gets ripped off with the price we pay.
Later Friend

By Patricia on   4/14/2010 9:37 PM

Re: Replinishing the Cruisers Med Kit: Fingers, Toes, Nose, Hose

Hey, Lee, interesting enough!
Minoru Saito is in your neck of the woods: www.saito8.com/
Hope you two meet...

By Weide on   4/16/2010 2:58 PM

Re: Replinishing the Cruisers Med Kit: Fingers, Toes, Nose, Hose


Have been following your story for months now, very inspiring stuff. Very well written too. As a new father, you are doing what I cannot right now, although I plan too later in life with my son.Continue to post often for those vicariously joining you. If you need anything along the way (i.e. weather, phone calls, research etc) feel free to call on me. I will happily do what I can to help..

Safe travels...


By Michael on   4/17/2010 1:43 AM

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