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Singlehanding Across the Pacific – The Question of Crew

Mar 11

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3/11/2010 7:11 PM  RssIcon

I’d much rather be doing what I am doing right now with a woman I was in love with.  One of the things I’ve learned on this trip is that one of the greatest pleasures I take from this life is the simple task of making a woman I love breakfast in the morning.  Since that woman doesn’t exist in my life at this time I am going to cross the Pacific solo.  I’ve been set in my mind for a year to make this jump on my own.  It is a challenge I want to face and to have come so far only to take on crew now for the sake of having a pretty face on board would fly in the face of everything I’ve come so far to find and discover.

It wasn’t easy to tell Laura that she’d need to find another ride and I think most people will find my decision crazy.  However, try to imagine an island 39 feet long and at its widest section, 12 feet across.  Now pick a random stranger that you have trouble communicating with due to a language barrier, of the opposite sex, and drop them on that island with you.  No escape exists from this island for two months and randomly you might faces challenges such as sinking, bad weather, lack of quality food, and not enough toilet paper to provide for a woman’s needs.  Would you take the island solo or with the stranger?

A beautiful woman once told me never to fret about women, there are beautiful chicas everywhere in the world.  This time and this crossing are mine.

Now, I’ve been catching a lot of hell for the SPAM that was in my provisioning picture.  I am here to tell the world, or at least those of you so bored as to find yourself reading this blog, that SPAM isn’t a bad thing.  Here is a typical cruising breakfast for me.  Peel one medium potatoe and dice it to 1/4 inch cubes.  Fry that until it is half way done in hot olive oil.  Slice off three pieces of SPAM 1/4 inch thick then cube it into 1/4 inch cubes.  Throw that in the pan and sauté until the SPAM and potatoes are golden brown.  Dice and toss in a quarter of an onion, half a bell pepper, and a clove of garlic.  When the veggies are done push them to the side of the pan and crack two eggs into the skillet.  Scramble them in the pan and once almost done toss the eggs, potatoes, spam, onion, and pepper together.  Add salt and pepper to taste.  I like mine with a bit of Tabasco.  That combined with a whole orange from the fridge and two pieces of buttered toast with Kiwi Sanitarium Marmite and you have a breakfast that will keep you going.  Sometimes I do the same thing for lunch.  In fact, describing this makes me want to go buy more SPAM!

Tomorrow I go spend the day with the kids of SOS Children’s Villages Panama.  Saturday I get fuel and water from the dock.  Monday, when the produce arrives fresh at the local outdoor market, I’ll take on fruit and veggies.  The countdown may be a day or two off, but by Tuesday I think I’ll be sailing for the South Pacific.  Things are getting very real, very fast.  Cheers,



Location: Blogs Parent Separator Ship's Log

11 comment(s) so far...


Re: Singlehanding Across the Pacific – The Question of Crew

Letting her sale with you just to the Galapagos, wouldn't be too bad!!

By Maggie on   3/11/2010 7:41 PM

Re: Singlehanding Across the Pacific – The Question of Crew

Letting her sail with you just to the Galapados wouldn't be too bad!!

By Maggie on   3/11/2010 7:42 PM

Re: Singlehanding Across the Pacific – The Question of Crew



You are an inspiration!


By Joe Shapiro on   3/11/2010 9:22 PM

Re: Singlehanding Across the Pacific – The Question of Crew

Hahahahhhah, hey Lee you know what's coming once you talk about women and food... People are particular about those. You're the captain, you know best for yourself and crew, in that situation, at breakfast, etc. Good luck!

By Weide on   3/12/2010 2:43 AM

Re: Singlehanding Across the Pacific – The Question of Crew

You know I'm too old to sail around the world, but I'm living your adventure with you.
Best of luck my friend.
Smooth sailing.

By Dave Chapman on   3/12/2010 8:46 AM

Re: Singlehanding Across the Pacific – The Question of Crew

Troy and I will be following along on your web site. We are envious of the adventures that await you. Hope to meet again one day.

Fair Winds!
Deana and Troy Jones
s/v Storyville

By Deana on   3/12/2010 10:02 AM

Re: Singlehanding Across the Pacific – The Question of Crew

Lee -- Always remember that this is "your dream". If you find the "right" someone to share it with it can be wonderful. Just having "company" on a small boat in the middle of a big ocean can be hell. Friends that seem comfortable on land are not necessarily so comfortable in a confined and possibly stressful environment. I have "lost" a few friends that way. Follow YOUR dreams. -- Cheryl

By Cheryl on   3/12/2010 11:18 AM

Re: Singlehanding Across the Pacific – The Question of Crew

I cook that exact same thing all of the time, but I use sliced chicken instead of spam, but understandably the spam is the logical choice since it is canned and keeps for a while. I've been following this blog for a while and I'm sure I'll eventually make it to the point where I am following in your footsteps, until then I'm still just a landlocked lake sailor but this blog is keeping me inspired.

By Dave on   3/12/2010 1:17 PM

Re: Singlehanding Across the Pacific – The Question of Crew

Well, once I heard that strangers are friends that you haven´t meet yet!!!....And there are lots of women that have an adventure spirit too!!...Well.. like the lady said.. this is your dream.. your adventure.. a time to think... Before you write today´s log.. I just want to say that we are really sorry that you couldn´t met more children , in the SOS Childrens Village...perhaps is the visit was planned to be in the afternoon.. you would find the children playing or coming from school.. Thank you for sharing your adventure with SOS!!! Nice trip!!!

By Amelia on   3/12/2010 4:00 PM

Re: Singlehanding Across the Pacific – The Question of Crew

What's this? All a guy has to do to get people to start commenting on his blog is to solo sail the Pacific! Thanks everyone for the comments and please keep it up! So much more interesting doing these blogs when I get your feedback. No second thoughts on the crew decision. This, the biggest passage of a circumnavigation, is mine. The boat is fueled and watered and Monday I get fresh provisions.

cheers to you all and you have no idea how much your support and comments really do mean to me.

By Lee on   3/13/2010 2:24 PM

Re: Singlehanding Across the Pacific – The Question of Crew

Going solo will be the ultimate experience! There will be times you will dispare in the lonliness and the efforts of handling Jargo by yourself. Have confidencene in yourself, your boat, and your dream . . . .God will be with you as well as your friends and family. Our prayers for you, young friend . . . .Be safe and have the time of your life!
Bert & Mel

By Melva Leffler on   3/14/2010 11:57 AM

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