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Written by: 3/8/2010 3:33 AM
I woke up done with boat projects and ready to go sailing. Not because the boat was perfect by any means, but because I realized that the projects on the list are not critical to a safe ocean passage. I have plenty of small odds and ends to do like oil changes, zinc replacements, and provisioning, but that can all be done in a few days time. The biggest upgrade, the Sailomat self steering vane is installed and done except for one small loose end.
With the realization that is time to move again the excitement of my adventure returned. It has been an amazing, brutal, rewarding, and draining road I’ve followed over the past 14 months. I dare not begin to even dream what I’ll discover and find about myself, my boat, the sea, the world, and its people over the next 10 months and 11,000 sea miles to New Zealand.
I am off to do the first of several huge grocery shops. Today is canned foods and dry goods. Ever try making a shopping list good for nine months?
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