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Written by: 3/1/2010 1:09 PM
Massive engines drone through the days and nights as consistent as the tides as PanaMax cargo ships stream in and out of the Panama Canal carrying goods around the world. Their wakes stir the anchorage forcing the sailboats anchored here to pitch and roll as violently as though Neptune himself were punching them from below. As the sun dips over the horizon casting its red haze across the endless sea a forest of masts ignite their lights aloft defying the pending darkness and signaling to all around that in fact, we are here.
The winds are confused and cannot decide from which direction they should blow sending sailboats on a never ending series of circles around their anchors like dogs chasing their tails. Swing room is limited as the cool Pacific waters rise from 20 feet of depth to over 35 feet with every tide, twice a day. Over 70 boats swing great circles now with three to five more showing up almost every day in preparation for the Pacific crossing season. 35 boats are a part of a group that paid $12,000 USD to be a part of a world circumnavigation rally. Is the flag they all fly to identify their unity worth the extra price tag? I wonder if Slocum would be elated or horrified to see what cruising has become.
Tsunami! I thought my friends on s/v Coconut were playing a cruel, horrible joke on me when I heard the VHF radio call this morning. Tsunami. I couldn’t quite believe or process what I was hearing. Through the grapevine someone had received word of a massive earthquake along the West Coast of South America. We were advised to raise anchor immediately and head to sea.
It took a minute to clear the fog from my head and determine that joke or not, the only thing to do was weigh anchor and get to deeper water. Motoring hard for an hour all I found was 95 feet. Maybe it will be deep enough, maybe not. Radio calls included everything from near panic and dissemination of misinformation to calm collected reports being pulled from reputable news sources shore side. It is 10:30 a.m. now. Our tsunami was supposed to hit at 9:50 a.m. I am still ghosting along at 1.0 knots 7 miles offshore. In another hour I’ll tack and ghost back into the anchorage.
When my Mom’s plane took off to return to the States yesterday my most constant companion for the last 11 years was in a kennel in the luggage hold. The boat is eerily empty without her. Georgia’s earned a spot on a comfortable couch with constant air conditioning. The goodbyes are hands down the worst part of this trip. That may have been the worst one yet.
March 1st
AB Inflatable is the best dingy company out there in my opinion. In 2008 they moved from venezuala to Colombia. I got the second boat they made from the new factory. It wasn’t up to their usual standards. After several repairs I contacted them about the ongoing problems and they agreed to give me a brand new 9.5 aluminum bottom replacement for $1,200. The price was established based on the fact that was close to what I could sell my current dingy for. Motoring back out to Jargo with the new dingy in tow I found a buyer for $900 for the old dink. For $300 I am ecstatic with my new launch.
The tsunami turned out to be a non-event. After spending the day loafing around a bit offshore we all motored back in. It was a good lesson to remind me to keep the boat ready to go to sea at a moments notice. After a year I’d fallen back into the trap of letting the boat turn into a floating condo at anchor. When you have to move, you have to be ready to do it fast. Thank got this tsunami was only around 12 – 18 inches.
3 comment(s) so far...
Re: A solo cruisers log – Georgia has flown, Tsunami, AB Dingy Thanks for putting my mind at ease about how you are doing as far as the tsunami but I won't thank you for putting me into tears with your comment about the goodbyes. I know that they are hard and I can't imagine how hard that one was for you. She is doing well though and remembers where her food bowl is and where the cookie jar is. She is continuing to move between her spot by my chair when I eat and the couch and one of two brand new $300 dog beds that we recently purchased. As much as we love her and are happy to see her, we are sorry that you let her go. You have proved yet again, to be one of the most selfless people that I have ever met. I am not sure if I could be as strong as you. She will be good and will write you once you let her know where she can send her letter.
Re: A solo cruisers log – Georgia has flown, Tsunami, AB Dingy
Thanks for putting my mind at ease about how you are doing as far as the tsunami but I won't thank you for putting me into tears with your comment about the goodbyes. I know that they are hard and I can't imagine how hard that one was for you. She is doing well though and remembers where her food bowl is and where the cookie jar is. She is continuing to move between her spot by my chair when I eat and the couch and one of two brand new $300 dog beds that we recently purchased. As much as we love her and are happy to see her, we are sorry that you let her go. You have proved yet again, to be one of the most selfless people that I have ever met. I am not sure if I could be as strong as you. She will be good and will write you once you let her know where she can send her letter.
Re: A solo cruisers log – Georgia has flown, Tsunami, AB Dingy I know it was hard to say goodbye to Georgia, but for what it is worth, I can assure you that she will be well taken care of and will never go without. She has already fallen back into the "old routine" at our house and it is as if she has only been gone a day or two. When I left the house 20 minutes ago she was resting quietly and comfortably in one of the dog beds in the living room. Lillian has already boought her a new collar, new tag, and new elevated food/water bowls. I can promise you that we will care for her as if she were one of our own because we both love her as if she were one of our own.
I know it was hard to say goodbye to Georgia, but for what it is worth, I can assure you that she will be well taken care of and will never go without. She has already fallen back into the "old routine" at our house and it is as if she has only been gone a day or two. When I left the house 20 minutes ago she was resting quietly and comfortably in one of the dog beds in the living room. Lillian has already boought her a new collar, new tag, and new elevated food/water bowls. I can promise you that we will care for her as if she were one of our own because we both love her as if she were one of our own.
Re: A solo cruisers log – Georgia has flown, Tsunami, AB Dingy I am sure letting Georgia stay behind was hard, but a Pacific crossing could have been very hard on her. The wind vane WILL work (after you figure out how to run all the blocks and lines). That is the hardest part. By the way, do you want us to still keep a look out for good, useable laptop computers? We do send a number of them to recycling, but I can continue to pick out the usable ones, if there is a need.
I am sure letting Georgia stay behind was hard, but a Pacific crossing could have been very hard on her. The wind vane WILL work (after you figure out how to run all the blocks and lines). That is the hardest part. By the way, do you want us to still keep a look out for good, useable laptop computers? We do send a number of them to recycling, but I can continue to pick out the usable ones, if there is a need.