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Hurry up & Wait: Transiting the Panama Canal

Feb 12

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2/12/2010 4:19 PM  RssIcon

Just a quick update before the next how to post on the Canal Transit.  I am leaving the dock tomorrow at 3:00 p.m. with myself, Georgia, and four volunteer crew to handle my lines during the transit.  It has been a mad dash to get all the tires tied to the boat, raw water pump replaced, belts replaced, food shopping done, Sailomat self steering purchased (mostly), and to get the lines on the boat sorted for the crossing.  I never take crew to begin with so to suddenly have five people on board plus the canal advisor is going to get cozy.


At three we will head out of the Shelter Bay Marina and into the F or Flats anchorage.  There we will pick up our advisor at 5:00 p.m. and begin our trip into the first lock at Gutan.  We’ll ride the three locks up to Gutan Lake, tie up to a big buoy for the night, then transit three more locks down to the Pacific on Sunday.  If you are really bored you can watch the action around 5 p.m. tomorrow starting at the Gutan locks on the Panama Canal webcams at http://www.pancanal.com/eng/photo/camera-java.html.    Cheers and here’s to crossing the ditch.





Location: Blogs Parent Separator Ship's Log

6 comment(s) so far...


Re: Hurry up & Wait: Transiting the Panama Canal

Man - you are doing something that I can only dream about - have fun and glad the dog is back on board!!!

By Bill Brandenberger on   2/13/2010 10:40 AM

Re: Hurry up & Wait: Transiting the Panama Canal

I can't believe you had so much to fix, add or replace in such a rush. The pressure sure is on when in that canal, I have heard. Wishing you all the best.

By Maria on   2/14/2010 7:20 AM

Re: Hurry up & Wait: Transiting the Panama Canal

p.s The new site is awesome! Love it!

By Maria on   2/14/2010 7:21 AM

Re: Hurry up & Wait: Transiting the Panama Canal

I missed seeing you on the webcam on Saturday. I hope you had someone record it. Maybe then they could put it on your website. I am watching the Pacific side locks today and will try to catch you going through. Keep having fun.

By Cheryl Morvillo on   2/14/2010 10:03 AM

Re: Hurry up & Wait: Transiting the Panama Canal

I did catch a picture of three sailboats going through the canal around noon Houston time. Was that you?

By Cheryl Morvillo on   2/14/2010 3:46 PM

Re: Hurry up & Wait: Transiting the Panama Canal

Through the canal safe and sound. Resting tonight then the last night of Carnival is tomorrow. Happy Fat Tuesday to everyone! Yeah Cheryl, the three boats rafted was us. Jargo was starboard side to the wall.

By Lee on   2/15/2010 4:39 PM

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