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Upgrades to SOS & Time Stateside

Dec 22

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12/22/2009 5:44 PM  RssIcon

Cody_and_Rusty First and foremost, a huge thank you is due my very first sponsor and continued friend and supporter, David Wilson of Summerworks.  I haven’t been writing much the last month mostly due to the fact I’ve been both short on words and also because David and I have been sprinting to upgrade the Sailing For SOS website.  The first thing you might notice is the new slideshow on the home page.  From now on I can easily update the home page with favorite shots from the trip.  Hopefully this will make it more fun for you to check in and see what’s new.

The_Gang In addition to that, you’ll see the blog is much wider allowing us to add Google ads which you may hate, but are critical to me.  I can’t click them, but please, please, please take a second to click an ad if you see one you like.  The refit in Colombia set me back a bit and every dollar generated there really helps to keep me sailing.  We’ve also got comments down below so you can give me real, live feedback as I continue on this odyssey.  I am also using a new application to post my blogs when good wifi is available so it’ll be much easier to include photos with my posts.

Bloom_Marcos_BrandiLastly, but certainly not least, check out the new position page!  I am still entering all the coordinates for my stops for  the past year, but from now on you’ll get live Google map updates on all my positions.  David wrote an app to take input from the SPOT Messenger, Iridium Sat Phone, and basic email updates to automatically plot my course and keep the pin in place.  When they come in via email it will include a link to the blog that was written from that position. 

Milligan Switching gears, my time in the States is done and I write this in yet another airport.  The past year has been a long, amazing, exciting, sad, rewarding, and a sometimes lonely experience.  The past month was dedicated to doing nothing but spending time with the loved ones in my life across Springfield, Frankfurt, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, and Kemah.  Such a long absence from those who you’ve known for years goes a long way to reminding you how important friends and family really are.  When I look at returning to Jargo, there is excitement for the journey ahead, but also sadness at leaving my closest friends and family once again.

LaurenSo much has happened in the past year and the blog really only scratched the surface of capturing it all.  Amazingly, when  I left last Jan. 10th for my offshore passage I had no idea what I was really getting into.  Knowing now so much more, it is not with out trepidation that I move back to Jargo and begin preparing for the Pacific.  More to come on that, but for Tuscanynow, friends all over the country who opened your homes to me, Mom & Dad, I love you all and will see you again soon.

 Me_and_Chad Me_Oscar


Location: Blogs Parent Separator Ship's Log

3 comment(s) so far...


Re: Upgrades to SOS & Time Stateside

The upgrades to your website look great. The best position website I have found is shiptrak.org I use it to track my friends with call sign KE6HUA.
Take a look if you get a chance. Gives a great broad view perspective as well as details.

By Marcus on   12/22/2009 6:12 PM

Re: Upgrades to SOS & Time Stateside

Your new site looks great. I really enjoy reading your adventures and wish you the best of luck. Keep up the good work

By Captain Jim on   12/24/2009 9:45 AM

Re: Upgrades to SOS & Time Stateside

The new website looks great! Happy travels :) *abundantblessings* ~*~

By LD on   12/24/2009 12:50 PM

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