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I made Latitudes & Attitudes!

Dec 14

Written by:
12/14/2009 6:52 AM  RssIcon

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Most of Galveston Bay was fogged in Saturday night for what should have been the Kemah Boat Parade, an event where everyone crazy enough to string lights on their boat heads out to the lake to show them off.  It has always been a lot of fun and we were looking forward to getting out on the water to watch the parade up close.


Instead, Oscar & Elizabeth from s/v SOEL, and I got together with some other boaters at Watergate for drinks in the fog.  That was the first time the rumor began to spread that an article of mine was out.  However, being out with friends and not expecting anything right now I didn’t pay the comment any real attention.  Sure enough, later that night a friend of Facebook let me know it was legit.


Check out pages 74 – 76 in the January 2010 issue of Latitudes and Attitudes.  Now all I have to do is write the follow up.


Sitting here now eating gumbo with Oscar I am getting things ready to hit the road North.  One more night in Fort Worth then back to Springfield, MO.  I’ll have a few days with my friends and family there before jumping on a plane one more time and heading south to Colombia.

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