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Day 368
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Need Something to do Sunday?

Dec 12

Written by:
12/12/2009 2:50 AM  RssIcon

This is what I’ll be doing Sunday night.  A good friend of mine from college has made a feature film and its premier is this Sunday at the Comedy Film Festival.  Come on out to see Andrew Andrews at 5:00 p.m.


“Houston Comedy Film Festival. Our movie is Andrew Andrews. We screen Sunday at 5:00 pm at the Studio Movie Grill in CityCentre.  http://www.facebook.com/l/b23b5;www.houstoncomedyfilmfestival.com There you can see our trailer, info on tickets, etc. For a day pass to see all movie and shorts it's $10 and you can purchase at the website.”


The past few days have found me lounging about on s/v SOEL in Kemah, TX.  It is good to be back amongst friends.  Last night we had dinner with David and his wife from SummerWorks and the laughs were ready and constant.


I did however make the mistake of looking at the calendar.  Only 10 days before I return to Jargo.  I still have a lot of parts and pieces to pick up, but being back in a boating center will help the process.  My boat sitter Meg is scheduling a haul out for Jargo on the first working day after the New Year.  I am hoping we can splash the boat in a week with a new bottom job and start heading towards Panama and the Canal.


I did get two other pieces of good news.  Manson Anchors has donated a 60 lb Manson Supreme that will become my primary anchor.  I’ve loved my 60 lb CQR 90% of the time, but when she’s let me down, she’s let me down hard.  The new Manson Supreme is being shipped sea freight and should be here on Jan. 6th.  The other good news that Roadpost has donated more time for the iridium sat phone!  We are still finalizing the deal, but my original minutes, half of which are still unused, will be renewed with more minutes added setting me up nicely for the Pacific leg.  Thanks to Roadpost the blogs can continue on the high seas.


Cheers all!




Location: Blogs Parent Separator Ship's Log

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