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Day 351
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Happy Thanksgiving

Nov 25

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11/25/2009 6:38 AM  RssIcon

The cold air of Chicago was a shock to the system.  Not because it was so cold, but because it suddenly felt like Thanksgiving and I was very cognizant of how long I'd been gone.


The last time I was cold, really cold, had been the first day of my Gulf of Mexico crossing on January 10th, 2009.  The blast of cold dry air as I walked out of the airport doors immediately took me back to those first moments when I sat freezing and frightened in Jargo's cockpit.   Three flights erased the 2500 miles I'd spent the last 10 months working so hard for by sea and I find myself back in my childhood home now in Springfield, MO.


Smelling bacon cooking in the frying pan it is hard to fathom that in one month's time I'll be back on Jargo and gearing up for a major ocean passage.  My time in the Caribbean is done and now I must look at the larger oceans.  I need this time to rest and reorganize before my next jump.


The last month has been a whirlwind of activity in Cartagena.  The ancient fuel tank was cut out of the boat and has been replaced by two fiberglass tanks.  The engine was pulled, rebuilt, and is now installed and running great.  Jargo still needs a bottom job and some refrigeration work, but she's almost ready to swim across the big waters.  The projects have been full of frustration and in all honesty, I needed to step away from it all for awhile.


I've gotten lots of comments on my last post and some of them have made me think.  A new plan is in the works, but I am not yet ready to announce it.  Just stay tuned as things might get a little crazy.  Texas friends, hang tight.  I may be a little delayed, but I am still headed that way.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone and thanks to you all for the year of support and encouragement.  I am not always the best at replying, but each and every email means a great deal to me.

Location: Blogs Parent Separator Ship's Log

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