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Cartagena, Attempted Homicide, & Project Delays

Nov 13

Written by:
11/13/2009 3:54 PM  RssIcon

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Occasionally blogs don’t come because I don’t have anything to write about.  Often however the reverse is the case.  So much has happened since the last update I really don’t know where to start.


Here is a good place I guess.  My friend was stabbed in the shoulder.  It wasn’t an accident, it was a mugging gone wrong.  He was sitting in a rather secluded spot on the old city wall with his girlfriend when two guys came up behind them, one of them holding a weapon to Greg’s neck.  After passing over his wallet the guy got greedy and started searching Greg’s pockets.  His girlfriend, having enough of her assailants searching, grabbed him by the hair and said, “get the &#^$ off of me”.  It was enough to make them realize it was time to leave. 


Greg’s attacker tried to push him over the wall and into the water below, but was way too scrawny to make it work.  Greg pushed back and as the guy moved backwards he came down with his knife piercing Greg’s left shoulder.  Greg gave chase and eventually caught the guy at the exact time the police caught up to him as well.  The wound wasn’t terribly serious, for a stabbing, and being an emergency room doctor Greg cleaned himself up and began the grueling process of trying to press charges.  That’s when the real nightmare began.


This guy was let go on the street less than 24 hours after he stabbed Greg.  Somehow the story was messed up at the court hearing and they only heard about the robbery part.  After many, many wasted hours on Greg’s part we finally all got together this evening for a new audience with a local Colombian judge.  The district attorney is now pursing attempted homicide.  Sadly, this guy is still walking the streets tonight and who knows when he’ll get picked up again to face the new charges awaiting him.


It is Festival in Cartagena.  I hate it.  I fell in love with this city and the wonderful people who gather each evening in the plaza of Getsemani.  Sadly, when this city shuts down for its independence day celebration over the course of a week, every bad element comes out of the woodwork.  The streets are no longer alive with people and music, but are crazy and dangerous with every bandito searching for their next victim.  Parties rage in the streets until all hours and everyone has squirt cans full of foam or handfuls of flour that they cover each other with.  The problems come when the banditos hit you in the face with flour or foam then rummage your pockets while you try to clear your eyes of debris.


It is a bit sad to me that I’ve totally skipped the biggest party in this city, but I no longer have any desire to be out in the crowds.  Sadly, it is asking for trouble.  In a few days the crowds will thin out, the festival will end, and life as I came to love it here will return.  Until then, I work on the boat and head to bed early.


Speaking of the boat, progress has slowed due to festival, but I am hoping to have the boat livable again before I fly home on the 23rd.  We should start installing my tanks tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m.  Once this is done we can reinstall the floor of the boat that had to be cut away to access the ancient fuel tank.  With a floor we should be able to install my newly rebuilt motor on Wednesday or Thursday.  Meg, my friend from Linton and Isla Mujeres will be living on the boat and watching Georgia while I am gone and I know she won’t appreciate living on the boat as is.  In fact, it is still unlivable.  Tuti, my carpenter, continues to tell me, “tranquilo” or relax often as he assures me it will be no problem.  God I want this refit to be over so I can be free to move on again.  Cheers everyone.


P.S. The last pic is a shot of my friends here with or local juice lady we visit every day, Mama Nera.  We built her the little wooden box with lights so she could expand her juice business to a rum and juice business.  So far it’s been a big success.


P.S.S.  Photos courtesy of Ramble Writer!


Lee Winters
Skype: lee_winters



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