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Day 287
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Off to the San Blas.

Sep 22

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9/22/2009 9:36 AM  RssIcon

The San Blas archipelago is a long series of islands with many, many coral reefs in between. It is one of those places you can really only reach by boat which has kept it pristine in condition. The native indians, The Kuna, have worked very hard to keep their native culture alive and have shunned the influence of the outside world. This is where I am headed this afternoon. Where fish have no fear of you and the Kuna allow you to walk their islands in peace. If you wish, you can buy a couple of lobsters for five dollars from the Kuna if they happen to have them. Otherwise, bring what you need with you.

Navigation in the reefs can be tricky and it helps to have the sun directly overhead giving you better visibility into the water. The islands are a little over 60 miles from my current position so I am leaving at 5:00 p.m. so I can reach the island chain between 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. giving me good light to get in. The alternative would be leaving at dawn, but this would leave me racing the sun with poor lite for inshore navigation upon arrival.

The plan is to spend the next week taking it easy in the islands fishing, swimming, and writing. Somewhere around the 28th or 29th I'll leave for Colombia and put Jargo on the hard for the Pacific crossing refit. I am looking forward to some island time before I move back into a big city, but from what I hear so far Cartagena is an amazing place to spend some time. Cheers,


Location: Blogs Parent Separator Ship's Log

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