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Day 245
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Finally getting it done.

Aug 11

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8/11/2009 1:47 PM  RssIcon

It doesn’t take much to turn my mood around.  In fact, in Bocas del Toro all I need is to see the sun for a few hours.  I really can’t even describe how much it rains here.  We had seven or eight days in a row with pretty miserable weather and it was starting to do my head in.  It isn’t even just the fact that it is cloudy and rainy, but with such conditions I haven’t been able to really open the boat up and get the work done that I came to the marina for.  Today turned that around.


I really needed something I could do in the cabin of the boat when the weather turned bad and the water maker was a perfect fit.  Today I climbed back into the hold and spent a couple hours disconnecting it from the pump housing so I could remove it entirely.  It is now spread across my work space so next time I get cabin bound I can begin the rebuild of that system.  After that I pulled the dink out of the water and laid it across the dock and put the engine on Jargo’s stern rail.  After a quick scrub I began pulling all the bad hardware like the towing rings and oar lock then proceeded to remove the first patch job I ever had to do back in Mexico.  Thanks to a generous donation of adhesive remover I scrubbed all the old glue off and will begin repatching and replacing everything on the dingy.  I love days like this where you really feel like you worked and can see the tangible results. 


On top of all that I had a short discussion with a local language school and they’ve decided to provide private Spanish language lessons at a significant discount.  Learning Spanish was one of the goals I had set for the Central and South American portions of this trip.  It’s time I started learning some real grammar, vocabulary, and how to conjugate verbs so I can refer to little things like the past tense and future tense.  Hummm…….cheers to the future.




Lee Winters
Phone: (281) 336-0855
Skype: lee_winters




Location: Blogs Parent Separator Ship's Log

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