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Day 224
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Jul 21

Written by:
7/21/2009 6:18 AM  RssIcon

There is a break in the weather and I am making a run for it.  A few ragged bell peppers and some spam about make up the provisioning here so hopefully I´ll get lucky with another tuna.  I might even aim for the continental shelf so I can sail along some better fishing groungs.

Bocas del Toro is my planned destination and is 250 miles south of here.  I am getting a late start and am down one sail, the mizzen being shredded, so may have to lay up somewhere close to the channel and wait for daylight once I arrive.  Should be realitivly calm conditions which would make for a nice change of pace from the last 450 miles.

Cheers everyone.  Here is to making 10 degrees North latitude.  Finally, safely South of the hurricane belt. 


Location: Blogs Parent Separator Ship's Log

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