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Day 218
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Isla Provadencia!!!!!!!

Jul 15

Written by:
7/15/2009 6:55 AM  RssIcon

Yep, that just proves it.  Jargo is definately a sailboat and not a trawler.  200 miles in 40 hours and oh what an amazing sail it was.  I averaged over five knots with a single reefed main jib furled into about 70 percent.  I took a squall or two with winds that gusted to 35 and 40 knots, but Jargo just kept on going unphased.  It´s really beginning to feel normal being at sea.  Watch out Pacific.

I am sitting in the only internet shop on the island and things are very, very slow.  I will not be responding to emails here so please bear with me if you are waiting to hear from me. 

I´d like to take three or four days to put the boat back in order, rest, eat, sleep, and explore the island, but I may not get the chance.  I don´t understand the reason yet, but I am being encourged not to check into Colombia and leave first thing tomorrow for Panama.  I could do it, but I don´t want to.  I seriously need some sleep and fresh produce.  That last squash I ate was very questionable.  Anyways, they´ve arranged to have 40 gallons of diesel fuel on the dock for me to jerry can to Jargo in the next 10 minutes so I have to run.  Hopefully I can get things figured out so I can stay a bit longer and recoup.  Much love to everyone.

Here´s to big seas, big wind, and big tuna.  Yep, I caught another one.  Then something with really sharp teeth bit through my line and stole my lure.


Location: Blogs Parent Separator Ship's Log

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