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Honduras Coup - Traveling Overland

Jul 2

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7/2/2009 5:20 AM  RssIcon

It’s Thursday the second of July and no resolution has been found to the political situation in Honduras.  It’s strange to be here and see both sides of this issue.  Most Hondurans are aghast at the world reaction to the impeachment of their former President.  They’ve followed their democratic norms in the Honduran Congress and Supreme Court to remove a leader who was found guilty of trying to eliminate the country’s constitution and write one who would allow him to follow in the steps of Hugo Chavez. 


Maria’s flight leaves San Pedro Sula in the interior of the country on July 4th.  It should be a three hour drive from La Ceiba, but the supporters of Zelaya have been known to close the countries bridges as a form of protest.  The coastal roads from La Ceiba, near Roatan where I am, to Tela where the road turns inland, covers mountainous terrain with many flowing rivers.  There is much opportunity for our delay.  Still, there is no danger and all local reports show that protest are peaceful so we’ll attempt the trip as planned.


If all goes well I should be back on Jargo by the end of the day on the 4th of July.  I’ll spend a day or two preparing for the long slog to windward to Cayo Vivorillo some 200 miles East of here.  From there, after a good rest, I’ll drop south another 200 miles to Isla Provedencia, a Columbian owned island that is supposed to be paradise.  After a week or so on Provedencia I’ll make the final jump to either Cartagena, Columbia or Panama and my goal of 10 degrees North latitude and be free of the hurricane belt.


Lee Winters
Phone: (281) 336-0855
Satellite Phone: 8816-316-59853

Web: www.SailingForSOS.com
Email: Lee.Winters@SailingForSOS.com


Location: Blogs Parent Separator Ship's Log

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