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Day 196
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Way behind.

Jun 23

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6/23/2009 1:38 PM  RssIcon

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The blogs are slow in coming these days.  Not due to a lack of things to write about, but mostly due to an immense amount of work, travel, and lack of internet access.  I spent the day with the kids and village director at La Ceiba SOS Children’s Villages and am still digesting how to write the next blog entry for SOS.  There was such a huge contrast between the homes of SOS families and what I saw in Guatemala. 


The past two days I’ve dismantled Jargo and steamed every piece of cloth on the boat with 180+ degree steam.  Today I fumigated, vacuumed and am starting to put the boat back together.  Somehow bed bugs made it onto the boat either on a guest, in laundry, or on the dog and I am not pleased about it.  I’ve gotten rid of at least 99% of them, and hope the insecticide I’ve  put down will take care of the remaining 1%. 


Tomorrow I’ll hop the ferry back to La Ceiba to meet Maria who has come back to visit for the next week.  We’ll have one evening in La Ceiba then return to Jargo on the West End of Roatan.  I am starting to watch the weather closely to get a feel for the trade winds here.  The next jumps to Cayo Vivorillo and Isla Provedencia are going to be difficult slogs to weather.  Hopefull I can get a break in the trades and make a dash for it just after the end of this month.  Cheers everyone.


Lee Winters
Phone: (281) 336-0855
Satellite Phone: 8816-316-59853

Web: www.SailingForSOS.com
Email: Lee.Winters@SailingForSOS.com


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Location: Blogs Parent Separator Ship's Log

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