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Day 56
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La Nubia del Mar

Feb 3

Written by:
2/3/2009 6:46 AM  RssIcon

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Campeche is a sea town.  Like villages all over the world men leave the safety of their homes each day to go to sea and ply their trade be it with nets, lines, or guns.  For all its beauty the sea can also be a dangerous and unforgiving partner.  Despite the danger the men must go to make a living for their families.  Inevitably, some do not return.


La Nubia is a monument to those wives and girlfriends who stare longingly at the sea each evening waiting for their loved ones to return.  As the story goes this young woman stares each night at the setting sun looking for the return of her lover.  Sadly, her lover was lost and she is doomed to continue the search in vain.  It is hoped that her perpetual vigilance will spare the women of Campeche the same fate.


Campeche is a new addition to  my top three cities anywhere in the world.  It’s an active, vibrant, and outgoing place I hope to explore again one day with much more time.  I’ve uploaded a few more pictures to the Photo Gallery.  New crossing Video as well.


Lee Winters
Phone: (281) 336-0855
Satellite Phone: 8816-316-59853

Web: www.SailingForSOS.com
Email: Lee.Winters@SailingForSOS.com


Location: Blogs Parent Separator Ship's Log

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